26 ноября, 2020
Augmented and virtual reality

Despite the fact that virtual and augmented reality technologies have already ceased to be something unusual and are used in different areas of human activity, many potential users have no idea about their fundamental differences. To do this, you need to understand what features make each of them unique.
What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality (VR, virtual reality) is an artificial world created by technical means (a three-dimensional computer environment).
With the help of virtual reality technology, there is a complete immersion in a virtual environment in which you can move and interact with surrounding objects. VR is an intuitive technology that affects vision, hearing, and sometimes tactile and taste sensations. Virtual reality simulates both the impact on a person and the reactions to this impact. Thanks to its unique capabilities, virtual reality has entered the field of entertainment and professional training of personnel.
The first prototype of virtual glasses
In 1961, Philco engineers Komo Charles and Brian James developed the Headsight device, which became the prototype for modern virtual reality glasses. A separate video screen with a built-in motion tracking system was created for each eye, and it was also possible to control it using the head. This principle is also used in the work of modern VR devices.
Four years later, Harvard University Professor Ivan Sutherland created the conditions necessary to simulate artificial reality:
- the virtual world is viewed through the head-up display (HMD) and seems realistic thanks to sound and tactile feedback;
- computer equipment is used to support virtual speech in real time;
- users interact with virtual objects in the real world.
The article has become the main concept for creating modern VR devices.
The next stage in the development of technology is considered to be 1974, when computer specialist Myron Kruger developed the Videoplace artificial reality laboratory. It consisted of several rooms connected via a network, each of which had a large screen with a video projector located behind it. When a person entered a room, he saw on the screen his image in the form of a primitive silhouette, as well as similar silhouettes of people in other rooms. You could change the color or size of all the «shadows», as well as attach various visual objects to them.
How does immersion in a virtual environment work?
The user puts on a headset-glasses or a helmet connected to a computer responsible for creating a virtual environment. Although the headset is the main equipment for a deeper immersion of the user in the virtual world, motion trackers, tactile devices and treadmills can be used.
Every year there are more and more models of virtual glasses, the most affordable and popular of which are: Samsung Gear VR, Playstation VR, LG 360 VR and many others. Most of these glasses work using a smartphone inserted into them and transmitting its image to a person through the lenses in glasses.
What is Augmented Reality?
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows you to add images, sound, video and other elements to the real world using computer technologies. Every owner of a smartphone, computer or tablet can become a user of this technology. Due to its accessibility, augmented reality has gained popularity in various spheres of our life: from medicine to AR filters on the phone.
Augmented reality is developed in applications and is used on mobile devices, tablets or in AR glasses.
How did augmented reality appear?
The term «augmented reality» appeared in 1992, thanks to the engineer of the Boeing research laboratory, Thomas Caudell. He applied the principles of AR to the installation of electrical cables in an airplane. And only in 2008, the first commercial AR application appeared. It was developed to advertise the BMW Mini car. This was one of the first marketing campaigns that allowed you to interact with a digital model in real time. But the» recognition » of the technology occurred in 2010, when Time magazine for the first time included augmented reality in the list of technological trends of the future. Since that time, big brands have started using AR for their marketing purposes, finding an unprecedented response from consumers.
Unlike VR technology, augmented reality does not transfer to the virtual world, but superimposes virtual objects on the real world around them. The most popular example of AR technology is Pokemon Go. To use AR, you only need a smartphone and an augmented reality app. The smartphone camera should capture the real environment, and the software or application should project objects created by the computer onto it.