Professional training centre
Each operating enterprise is obliged to comply with the requirements of fire safety on the territory belonging to it. Employees of enterprises must undergo an annual fire safety briefing. The use of virtual reality simulators allows you to make training not just formal, but high-quality and effective.
What is a virtual reality simulator for fire safety?
The VR simulator is a computer program that reproduces fire scenarios in a virtual environment and teaches the user the rules of safe behavior. With the help of virtual reality glasses, the user is immersed in a three-dimensional artificial environment, where he can be instructed and practice the sequence of actions in case of a fire.
Scenarios for the use of virtual reality simulators on fire safety:
conducting briefings;
practical training, trainings;
assessment and analysis of employees ‘ knowledge.
Practical trainings with the help of a VR simulator help employees to overcome anxiety, teach them to control emotions and actions in a critical situation.
Why are VR simulators effective?
- Visual impact
Most people are visual artists. With the help of hearing, a person remembers only 15% of the information, since the speed of the thought process is 8-10 times faster than the speed of speech. When the instructor presents the material orally, most of the information passes the central, that is, the visual channel of perception. Therefore, there is a need for repeated repetition of the material covered. Unlike traditional teaching methods, virtual reality technology allows you to convey information accurately to the organ of its perception. - Emotional impact
Scientific experiments have shown that any material can be learned more effectively if the student is emotionally involved in the process. Such an emotional response is caused by the use of a VR simulator, which realistically simulates a fire, the appearance of smoke and the sounds of burning materials.
• Formation of skills
Imitation of real activity allows you to fully assimilate the information. Fire safety training with the help of augmented reality simulators makes it possible to work out skills in «real» conditions.
Full immersion in the training material
The effect of complete immersion and the inability to be distracted by extraneous stimuli allows the employee to assimilate information several times faster and more effectively than with traditional instruction.
The virtual reality simulator can have two modes of use — training and exam. In the training part, the user selects a fire scenario, gets acquainted with the virtual environment and its objects, as well as ways to interact with them. With the help of interactive prompts, he learns the safety rules and practices the skills of correct behavior. In the exam mode, the employee demonstrates the acquired knowledge by passing tasks on time. The system records and stores the results of each employee, which can be analyzed later to identify weaknesses for their elimination.
! VR simulators can be scaled for an unlimited number of employees. You can practice in VR countless times until the actions are worked out to automatism.
Advantages of using VR in enterprises:
Reduction of injuries at work by 65%.
An increase in the amount of stored information by 76%.
98 % improvement in learning outcomes.
The virtual reality simulator is able to offer a variety of training scenarios: various types of fire and the layout of buildings and premises.
The simulator can be created individually for the customer’s enterprise, taking into account the specifics of its activities and risks. In the training program, it is possible to reflect the real working sites of the enterprise for conducting practical classes.